
So not sure if this is implantation or not I have sometimes very long cycles and it is unpredictable I am currently cycle day 44 and yesterday and day before I had tummy pain like quick jabs (only way I can explain it)

I am so so hungry, tired and irritable (could be period but I generally don’t change when I have my period!)

I had sex 12 days ago (ages 🙈) but 3 days before I had an internal scan to check for PCOS and one of my ovaries was extremely tender I had shooting pain before hand and then I felt everything she was doing quite intense could this have been a sign of ovulation due??

Anyway back to today I woke up to gooey brown discharge in my underwear and a tiny bit when I wiped and now nothing I also slept for 15 hours and I never sleep that long!! Normally I get brown discharge but it’s continuous until full flow but this time I haven’t. Today I have little pinches on left hand side

Could this be implantation bleeding? What symptoms of this have you had? When should I test as I don’t even know when I should be due on 🤷🏼‍♀️