For young girls who want to get pregnant

I am here today to just share something with all of you and have something to think about. I keep seeing a lot of post in this app from 14-17 year olds even 18 years trying to have a baby and asking advice to get pregnant. Even worse people are giving them advice. And well they might say it her life let her ruin her life but think if the innocent child. Say goodbye to going out. If you want a baby because your so in love with your boyfriend think again. He might change his mind and he can run and never look back you on the other hand can not. In most cases don’t even think your parents will help you. Some parents use the baby/mother hood as a lesson/punishment. If you think your ready for a baby because you babysit a lot think again. Babysitting is not the same as raising a baby. Put and alarm for every two hours day and night stay awake for an hour every night every two hours for 6 months maybe even longer. Think about doing that and going to school and a job. Are you going to breastfeed? If so that day is basically attached you and you can not go anywhere without that baby for the first 6months at least. Your only going to bottle feed? Go to your local grocery store and take a look at the price of formula. Ever wonder why it’s behind a glass case? Because formula is so expensive people try to steal it. You might have to buy one every week or half a week when baby gets bigger and starts to eat more. Please think about all this first. I was young I had my fun but what fun will you have if you can’t go out with friends anymore. I had the same boyfriend from the age of 13 all the way to 17 I could of sworn I was going to marry him but things change. If I would of had a baby with him because I thought I was going to marry him I would be sharing custody with him right now while just having a baby with my husband of right now. You’ll have your baby some day for now just enjoy life enjoy your freedom enjoy your sleep.