Feeling like a bad mom

Last night I lost it and yelled at my 2 and a half month old daughter. She cried afterward and I feel terrible. I'm so in over my head and I feel like I can't handle being a parent. I've been having all kinds of postpartum problems (mental and physical which I am talking with my OB about this coming week).

I can't help but feel like my daughter deserves better and that maybe I'm just not cut out to be a mom.

My husband has a job that makes it hard for him to be around to help out much. Luckily I have my family close by and they do a lot to help me. But I feel badly because I know I'm putting a lot on them. And even with the extra help I feel like I'm at the end of the rope. I'm worried about my marriage too because needing the help from my family means I'm gone from home a lot and barely seeing my husband. I just want to be happy and feel like myself again so I can be a good mom and wife. I didn't expect to feel this way after having a baby.