

My daughter is 11 days old. A bit of background: she was born full term at 39+4. She took a very slow start to feeding. She refused to latch to the breast, so we had to give her donor milk in the hospital via syringe. We eventually tried our own bottles from home, since everyone was concerned she was not eating. She also would spit up almost everything she ate. She eventually was discharged after 4 days. Now she’ll demand 4+ oz at every feeding. She can not be soothed unless she’s eating. We are pace feeding. We feed her about an oz and then wait and burp her. She gets so angry and demands to be fed. Then she’ll spit up quite a bit or projectile vomit it all up. She also poops after or during every feeding. I don’t know what to do. I feel like she’s not hungry, but she won’t soothe. I’m also exclusively pumping, so she is only drinking breastmilk.