Can anyone help me? (TMI warning)


So in June my period came on and lasted for fucking ever (see pics). It was fresh blood every day. It finally went off for like a week and now I’ve been back on since July 21 or 22nd. I’ve been trying to schedule an appt with my OB/GYN but I won’t be able to see her until late September. In the last two years, I have gained quite a bit of weight and my period was coming every other month for its regular time now it just won’t go away and I am absolutely miserable. I’m trying to lose weight to see if it will help regulate my period but nothing so far. Also, I am not on birth control and I haven’t been since 2014 and even then I was only on it for like two months.

Back in July when It happened I went to the emergency room and they did two ultrasounds and almost like a Pap smear but found nothing. Now it’s happening again and I want to shoot myself. Someone please help.