my MIL irritates me...


so today my husband and i asked my MIL to watch our daughter while we are at the hospital. we will be having a repeat csection. my drs. office doesn't schedule them until the 3rd trimester. so we have no idea when we will be going in. we did tell her we are going to be trying for the 7th since they wont induce anytime before 39wks. I have been being asked by my husband family when I'm going to have this baby like every other week and I keep reminding them that I have no freaking clue yet wont know til 3rd trimester. well today my MIL tells my husbands family that it will be on the 7th like it's set in stone even though we flat out told her we dont know yet but we are trying for that specific date. but now I'm getting texts from my husbands family all excited and everything... ugh seriously this woman can't keep anything to herself...