cervix position

so im running late on my period, had a week of cramps, no blood, then they suddenly stopped about a day or two ago, and as they stopped very extremely light pink spotting came. this morning one wipe up inside, pink was there, another wipe and there was nothing. this evening before i got into bed i did 3 wipes up inside, first time there was a bit more pink and it was slimy, 2nd time a little less, 3rd time barely any. then 4th time nothing. checked my cervix position, its high, hard, closed and felt slimy, when i withdrew my finger, there was some blobs of white CM that dried quickly, no stickiness to it and very little stretch, wiped in there with toilet paper again, no pink. laid down in bed and im getting slight cramps again but not too noticeable. im on cycle day 35 or 36, when my cycles have been running between 26-28 days. longest cycle ive ever had was 47 days 2 or 3 years ago. with what i am experiencing, is it possible im pregnant? tests are negative, but i havent had any PMS symptoms like sore boobs, moody, etc. absolutely none at all. could these symptoms be implantation? i know i ovulated late, i just dont know when and me and my bf werent to cautious with sex.