Documenting Upspring Fertility pills

Ileana • ♌️+💏+👧🏽+👶🏽+🤙🏼🌺

Short story about me. We have been TTC for about 5 years now. Both my husband have checked out alright and it’s just unexplained infertility.(Whatever that means in real live) Doctors have thought I might PCOS and put me on Metformin, which were awful to get used to in my body and unsuccessful because turned u didn’t have PCOS however I did have a cyst that ruptured and went away. I have tried FertiliTea, Massages, Acupunture, FertilAid pills, Pressed,standing on my head after sex, and other stuff. I have now put myself in the journey of UpSpring Fertility Reproductive Pills since June 1, 2018. It’s been thirty days since taking the pills and I have noticed more energy, my cervical mucus is a lot thicker. However I was supposed to have stated my period on August 1 through Fitbit Tracker and July 31 on Glow. My periods have always been irregular so it’s not on time with these trackers. I am still continuing the pills to see where my period ends up at or what?! (PS I did take a pregnancy test this morning and it came false) So, who knows what is going on but I liked these pills for the fact that it’s natural and drug free! I will keep updating on my progress with these pills. Hope this helps someone out. Baby dust to you all!

*update on 9/22/2018

It has been confirmed that I am pregnant through blood test and three urine test. Don’t know if it’s the pills it’s self, or me working with infants. I really recommend the Upspring Fertility pills. Though I only took 47 pills (1.5 month) it tea helped my ovulation.

Baby dust to everyone!!