Every minute...every day feels like forever


I miscarried now 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for my HCG levels to go down to zero (was at a 9 last week), still waiting for my period to start, still cant have intercourse with the advice my our doc (until period starts), and still can't sleep. I'm anxious every minute of the day and can't think about anything other then when can we start trying again. I went to my nieces one year birthday party yesterday which was hard enough being around so many people after being low-key for all these weeks, but it was extra hard bc one of my good friends was there who is 8.5 months pregnant. I couldn't even talk to her the entire time. It was just too difficult for me. She was nice and asked me how I was (she knows) and I told her but other than that I avoided her. I feel bad for that but I couldn't help it. Everyday I cry less and less but the anxiety of waiting and waiting some more is still so great! I literally can't sleep. It takes me hours to fall asleep every night and then I wake up multiple times each night. I just don't feel like myself at all anymore and I don't feel like my body is mine anymore. Everything is different and everything seems wrong. My doc finally gave me the all clear to workout again last week so I started with yoga last week and going again today. It's my only saving grace right now I think but even that doesn't last forever.