Should I Message him??

When I was 15 I met this guy a few days before my 16th birthday. We hung out while I was 15 and he didn’t know my age, but I knew his, which was 28. We hung out on my birthday and he asked me how old I am & I said I’m 19... a few days after that my parents found out about him and they tried going to the police, but since he didn’t know my age they couldn’t charge him. I told him about a day later that I was actually 16, and my parents knew about him and that they were mad. He said that we should stop talking.

I’ve thought of him all the time, and I still do. I miss him so much.

It hurt so bad, but in those few days, I fell hard and I could tell he did too. He also said maybe when I’m 17 we could start talking again, but since I JUST turned 16, he didn’t want to get into trouble.

Now that I’m 17, I miss him like crazy, like deadass he was incredible we had a lot of fun together within a few days. And I want to message him. But I’m scared. Should I go for it?? Lol. Please no hate. Just want opinions.