posted yesterday and nobody answered I just need advice lol

Y`Marrea • married to love of my life 💍 mommy of 2 boys🩵 and 1 girl🦄

I had a chemical last month 😭 but we decided to try again this month. my predicted ovulation day was today but my cycles are crazy so it could be right it could be wrong. well, last night (actually 5 am🤐) I used pressed and got busy with my hubby. around 8 am I went to the bathroom and had very light pink spotting and again when I went to the bathroom around noon but much less and yesterday I had a small amount of light brown discharge once or twice when I wiped. I just read about ovulation spotting so I'm not sure if that's what it is. my other theory is that the chemical last month threw me off and I ovulated early and that could've been implantation bleeding. I haven't seen anything since around noon. what do you ladies think?