

Has anyone done pre baby counseling? My husband and I are expecting in March out first and I’m feeling so unsupported by him. He says it’s ridiculous and he is supportive and I’m being a victim. We have a dog that I take out every morning around 6 am to potty (it takes about 2 minutes) but I do it every single morning. He rarely had to get up earlier than me, I get up about 5:30 for work bc I work an hour away and I have to be there at 6:45 (I’m a nurse in a hospital working 12 hr shifts) and he works from home about 6 hours a day, and has multiple breaks throughout the day. Every once in a while he has to drive out of town for work for a few days and just this morning he had to get up at 6 and I am off. I asked him if he would take Ollie out since he was up and he got all up in arms and said he didn’t have time. He ended up letting the dog out but griped the whole time and kept saying “hurry up” to the poor dog and he has no patience. Just yesterday he got so mad about me about accidentally leaving the butter out after making toast. I just feel like if he’s this impatient and selfish now, how will he be when baby is here. Any advice? Ps-he tells me I treat him like I’m his mom because I’m always telling him to do things around the house and I’ve been so tired since getting pregnant.