

My husband and I have been ttc for almost a year now and I feel like everything is stacked against us. I had an early miscarriage in May (5 weeks) and I was devastated. He didn’t seem too upset and I hate myself for thinking that he wasn’t because he already has a child from another relationship.

I also travel a ton for work, and it just feels that I am never home during the right time. I have been gone over a week now and the last time we had sex was 7 days before my predicted ovulation day. I don’t know for sure when I ovulate since I don’t test, but is it possible to get pregnant with this timing? I read somewhere that sperm is active for up to 5 days after sex.

Am I just hoping for no reason, and it will never happen for me? I am 35. Am I just never meant to be a mother to my own child? 😓