I am doing it for my son... I need advice


So my daughter is now 3 weeks old (1 month on the 12 of August)... my 2 year 4 months old son would get sooooooo sad when I would breastfeed my daughter it was just so heartbreaking, so because it literally broke my heart seeing him crying in silence and wanting more of my attention and he started peeing on himself (he’s potty trained since he was a 1y6m) I decided to bottle feed all day and breastfeed only at nights. It’s been happening like that, and it’s going good my sons attitude changed and he’s happy again... the problem now is my milk supply is decreasing real quick, this morning I pumped 1oz from BOTH boobs, just 1oz! And I blame myself because I would forget to pump during the day. So now I feel all bad because I feel my milk is going to dry out and I’m going to be forced to feed her formula. (Nothing against those mommies who choose formula over breastfeeding), but in MY preference I would love to bottle feed her my milk instead of formula. Today I decided to do 1 feeding a day (boob) and the rest bottle and pump pump pump every 2 hours I hope it works 🤞🏻. I feel sad though like real sad.

Anything like this happened to any of you? And what did you do? How did you cope? What happened? Help meeeeeeee!!