Brown watery discharge - ovulation?

I took 100mg clomid CD3-7 this cycle.
I got a positive opk on CD18
Assumed ovulation on CD19
We BD'd on both of those days and it was a little more painful than usual (I have endometriosis). Maybe because of my ovaries??
This morning, CD20, I woke up and I had a lot of watery brown discharge. I've had brown discharge like old blood before but never anything like this. 
Of course I immediately consulted with Dr. Google (we've all been there!) and found a couple links that said it could be from the liquid in the follicles when they burst for ovulation. 
Have any of you experienced this before????
I'm hoping this is a good thing! This is my first month taking clomid and I had an HSG this month so maybe it'll be the little kickstart my body needed. We were supposed to do an <a href="">IUI</a> but my HSG results showed a filling defect in my uterus and my doctor wants me to get a sonohysterogram next cycle. She said we could still try on our own though so I'm holding onto hope!