Sorry if I’m rambling

I’ve recently had two miscarriages kinda back to back i was very early in both pregnancies( the first almost 2 months & the second one less than or just about a month ) I didn’t know I was pregnant either time very long but it hurt so bad I couldn’t get out of bed my body ACHED on top of the cramps but honestly that was nothing compared to what was going on with me mentally & emotionally I’ve been scared I can’t have kids because it runs in my family I feel like I let down my babies before they ever had a chance I wonder what I did wrong what’s wrong with me what did I do to deserve this not once but TWICE I try not to show it but I carry it with me every day this happened about 2 months ago and I feel myself slipping sometimes it’s hard to get out of bed , I don’t have the energy to do anything it literally takes days (sometimes more ) to even clean my room it’s hard to go to work even I used to care so much about my appearance but now I feel like I could almost care less about finding nice clothes or doing my hair getting my nails done etc stuff that used to make me happy doesn’t anymore I have to pretend to be okay when I’m really not I have always had to be the strong one but rn I need help I need someone to be strong for me & have no one my boyfriend doesn’t really understand how I’m feeling partially because I’m scared to really explain it ya know ? What if he doesn’t take me seriously because I wasn’t pregnant very