Emotionally Drained


Hi everyone, so I need opinions.....

I found out I was pregnant with my second on July 21, YAY!

According to my cycle I am 6 weeks at this point and my doctor scheduled an ultrasound for the following week.

I come in for the ultrasound (last Thursday) they find a sac but they can’t find a heartbeat. They take my blood work and because of my HCG levels wonder if I’m not as far along as I thought which is why they couldn’t find the heartbeat yet. Doc asks me to go back in on Monday to have my blood drawn again to see if my HCG is rising as it should.

Monday get my blood drawn, no call from the doctor, Tuesday no call so I call in asking for answers. I’m told my blood work was lost??? Um WHAT? So they tell me to go back in Wednesday to get blood drawn again.

Wednesday I go BACK in and Doc says my HCG is rising as it should however my progesterone is really low (10.1 it’s supposed to be above 20 at this point) Doc tells me I’ve had a missed miscarriage 😢 my husband and I grieve all night and decide that this was God’s will and that we’re going to try again when he time is right.

I go back in yesterday (Thursday) for the final ultrasound to determine the loss of pregnancy and THEY FIND A HEARTBEAT!!!! They order me a prescription for Progesterone to help get my levels up and I took the first one last night.

I wake up this morning and I’m spotting.

This whole week has been such an emotional roller coaster and now I’m scared that I’m losing the baby again. I never spotted with my first which I know can be normal but with the chain of events I’m worried. I’ve called my doctor but haven’t heard back yet.