How to make it more then hooking up

So I’ve been hooking up with this guy for months now. Last night I even spent the night at his place. I’ve been okay hooking up with him. I’ve been in and out of relationships for years and I plan to take a loong break from dating for awhile. But I’m getting kind of tired of just being a booty call for this guy. I don’t want much, I’d just like for him to get to know me, go out and spend time together, just spend time together outside of just sex. Is that too much to ask? How do I approach him about this without scaring him off? He seems like a good guy. I asked him once about his thoughts on relationships and he said he’s in no rush because next time he dates a girl he’ll see it as leading to marriage. Which I feel the exact same. I’m not wanting to date him, just to get to know him better, he’s the only guy I’ve hooked up with outside of relationships so I’m still new to hooking up. Plus if he’s sleeping with other girls besides just me then I want no part in that. Some advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

I guess what I’m trying to ask is how could I possibly have him catch some sort of feelings towards me? Or am I wasting my time?