Poke his eyes out

Britney • 3rd child, here we go again ❤️❤️
Hi I am 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my first child. I have always wanted a child and told my husband this because this is something you discuss with your husband right? So after being married for 2 in a half years I found out I was pregnant. I told him the day I found out because I was shocked and scared but happy (we weren't ttc yet) and he says to me in not ready for a baby because it means I can't leave if I need to. What?! He is such a jerk. I am in the navy so I work 6 sometimes 7 days a week all day not to mention when we go underway for weeks at a time but he has no job and hasn't worked since last October. All he does is complain about how lazy I am because I don't clean up everyday. Sometimes he lets the dishes pile up and then gets mad at me when I don't clean them. I think since I'm the sole breadwinner plus pregnant the least he can do is clean up the house but he says if he cleaned every day he wouldn't have time for anything else. All he does is go to the gym and play video games all day! I'm super fed up and it's not the hormones and recently he's starting trying to get me to not take my prenatal a because I honestly feel like he wants me to miscarriage. He knows how worried I get about miscarriage but he still expects me to workout (I am a weight lifter) and then he says stuff like if it does it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. I seriously am thinking hard about divorce but I'm sad because should my child have to live without a father?