no sleep!

mack • married to my bestfriend ❤️ mother to a baby girl ❤️

about 6wks pregnant & i CAN NOT SLEEP TO SAVE MY LIFE. literally the past few weeks i’ve gotten less than 5 hours each night & i’m beyond annoyed! SUPER INSOMNIA HAS TAKEN OVER! for someone who is constantly exhausted from growing a baby, you’d think sleep would come easy at night! ☹️😴😩 anyone else?! i want sleep! i can only imagine how these 30+ weeks will be like for my sleep schedule! 😂😩

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Posted at
I had that a bit in my first trimester too but once you hit 9weeks or so I think it calms down cause your body has adjusted to the hormones


Posted at
I’m currently in the same boat as you. I am 7 w 6d and I can’t sleep to save my life either. Currently have to be up for work in 3 hours and I’m still awake!!! Ughhh sleep where are you lol