Penny Lanes Birth Story🎼💜
I loved reading everyone’s birth stories on here while I was pregnant. It honestly was one of the highlights of my day😂I felt like it was helping me prepare for any kind of labor scenario I would be put through. In short, I do believe reading all of your lovely stories helped me a TON, so I wanted to share mine.
I was due July 25th, but my entire pregnancy I just had this overwhelming feeling she would be early. I was a week early and was my moms first! Well, around 38 weeks, I was so OVER being pregnant. I mean let’s be honest, I was over it at 20 weeks🤣😩 To be honest, I hated pregnancy. I felt so gross most of the time, and wasn’t able to work after 20 weeks due to terrible sciatica. So I was home all the time, and basically just miserable for the entire last trimester. The thought that it would all be over by the latest 39 weeks have me comfort in my head. I was OBSESSIVELY symptom spotting for anything that would tell me Labor was near since 35 weeks ha ha. Once 39 weeks came and went, I thought, okay, she’s gonna be a due date baby. That last week leading up to my due date was LOOOONG...and of course everyone starts texting you “any baby yet?”🙄Well, my due date came and went😞
I just want to throw a little disclaimer in here ladies who are still waiting to give birth, and you’re a first time mom...wishful thinking for an early baby is totally okay👌🏻But pleassse do yourself a favor, and just expect to go to 41+1 weeks. That’s the statistic, and it’s honestly most often true. In hindsight I really wish I had just expected to go that late because surprise! I went to 41+3😳
I was set to be induced at 41+3 on August 4th. I had pretty much given up all hope of going into labor on my own at this point. I had been losing the entire mucus plug since 39 weeks, and had multiple what I thought were “bloody shows”. I had been having insane Braxton Hicks and period cramps for weeks, but nothing was signaling labor. I stayed at 1.5cm for almost a month😢At my 41 weeks appointment, I had my second membrane sweep. I honestly just did it again as a last resort, but had zero hope it would do anything. I had the appt at 11am, and later that day on Aug 1st, I actually had my first real contraction!!And let me tell you, anything I thought was a contraction before this, made me laugh now😂Real contractions will for sure hit you HARD, and you WILL KNOW. So anyways, I started having regular contractions about 7 mins apart and freaked out. Yay! The sweep actually might have worked!!! My hubby and I frantically packed the rest of our hospital bag, and timed them for a good two hours. They got to 5 mins apart consistently, and we called L&D.; They told me that it didn’t sound like active labor, and that I needed to wait it out at home longer. Which I was fine with at this point, cause I was just excited. So we arched a movie, and I bounced on my ball, and we waited...and waited...and waited. My contractions never got closer than 4 mins and were so sporadic that I gave up timing them around 9pm and went to bed😣 Next morning they were gone. So I surrendered to the fact that I would be induced. Well, around 7am the contractions started again! But this time they were 15 mins apart, then 7, then 20, then 6...nothing consistent at all. I then realized crap, I’m having prodromal Labor. Let me tell you, it’s AWFUL. The contractions were for sure getting more painful as time went on, but I just knew they weren’t dilating me. So long story short this went on all day Thursday, and I barely slept at all that night. Friday morning around 2am, I woke up in EXTREME pain. These were way more painful than any of the other ones. So I started timing time again for hours. Finally around 9am they were 4 mins apart and I was in tears. We just went into L&D; and I said listen, I’m exhausted and in a ton of pain...I’m being induced tomorrow, can you just give me some pain meds so I can survive the next 24 hours. They agreed, and took me to triage and of course ran numerous blood pressure tests. Well, come to find out I had legates protein I my urine and slightly elevated BP! She said I came in at the exact right time to not need any intervention for it🙌🏻So my body was telling me to go in! So thankfully they admitted me at 3cm!! I was so happy to find out I had progressed, and that my body seemed to be doing it on its own. I also found out why my contractions were so painful. Baby girl was posterior😣😭Let me tell you, those contractions are NO JOKE with a posterior babe. The midwife suggested I wait on the epidural, even though I was hell bent on getting it, so I could give my body time to naturally spin my baby. I agreed even though I was DYING. The only place I went for the next two hours was the shower. It was the only place I could bare to be and not scream my head off. Finally after 4 more miserable hours she checked me and I was at a 5. I told her, listen, I know my body, and I will not progress when I’m this tired and this tense. I NEED the epidural. I don’t care if I have to push out a sunny side up Baby. So the anesthesiologist came in quick, which I was so grateful for, and those 4 mins of him administering the epidural were the hardest of my life lol. I tried sooo hard to stay perfectly still but it’s so hard to do when you’re having a god awful contraction. I did it though, and within minutes I was in heaven. They rolled me on my side, and put my catheter in, and I no longer needed to worry about peeing or anything really. We stuck a peanut ball between my legs to help baby girl spin, and I dozed off. Not even 3 hours later guys...I was magically at a 10 and ready to push. I didn’t even feel my water break or anything. They had me do a few “practice pushes” and in just those few pushes I had pushed her so she was almost out!! The midwife quickly ran in and within 10 mins she was out!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I pushed for 20 mins and didn’t feel a THING. It was a peaceful and glorious experience. I just have to say, if you’re exhausted and not progressing GET THE EPIDURAL. Your body progresses so much quicker when you relax. Anyways my gorgeous babe came out with meconium since she was 10 days overdue, but she was WIDE awake and

extremely alert. Even all the nurses said they’ve never seen a baby just out of the womb that alert😳And she immediately started sucking her thumb while she was doing skin to skin😂 My husband and I just marveled at this little being we created. So here she is! Miss Penny Lane! Born Saturday August 4, 2018 at 12:29am 7lbs 10oz, and 20 3/4 inches long💝💕

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