Lilo and Stitch


so recently my dog passed away.. and since that day, I've been playing lilo and stitch on repeat.. originally my fiance and I wanted to make a baby, but since my dog's passing, I've not been interested in even doing the baby dance.. usually, I enjoy doing the baby dance or having it initiated, but since then, I've not been interested in anything except sitting by her grave or watching lilo and stitch. work is different for me, I dont enjoy it as much anymore. I get extremely stressed especially with tasks that I enjoyed. I had 3 people asking me questions and usually I handle it with ease but this time, I started freaking out on the inside and couldn't handle it very well. the other night, I asked my fiance to help me shower because I didn't have the energy to shower... he agreed to help me and everything. hes been doing

all he can to help me... I know some people may say that its too soon for me to get another dog, but planning for another has been helping me cope... yet I still have my breakdowns and just miss her so much... lilo and stitch hash been played on repeat non stop.. as soon as the credits roll, i end up rewinding the movie. any one have advice or thoughts to share? if you've lost a loved one or a fur baby, I pray they rest in peace. my thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Rest in peace, Puddles, Oct. 18.16-Aug. 8.18