Started bad, ended so good Birth Story!
Okay I think I’m ready to tell my birth story! Before i can’t remember every detail and then I’ll get sad! So here it goes. This is my second child! A Clomid baby girl! At 36w I started having prodromal labor ( I think that’s what it’s called) basically it’s false contractions. So Everytime I got contractions and they lasted for over 5 hours consistently I would go to L&D; and they would just send me home. It’s honestly torture because it’s painful and there’s nothing they can really do. So around 38w5d I got my membranes sweeped. I was already at a 2 dilated. the dr felt my water bag. That day I felt so crampy and again had contractions. So I decided to go to labor and delivery bc these were soooooo intense and so bad. I was shaking so bad. I called my in laws and they come to the hospital. I’m still at a 2 but my contractions won’t stop. The monitor thing won’t pick them up as strong tho. We went to the hospital around 3am. They kept me and I walked with my husband around the halls. I was in so much pain. I had back labor. Well they said my contractions needed to be stronger for me to stay. (The monitor honestly was not picking them up as good and i know this now and I’ll explain later) so when they start getting even stronger and more uncomfortable they check Me and I’m a 2 1/2. Now they’re excuse was they won’t keep me bc I am not a 6cm dilated. LIKE WTF. So they kept me all the way until 1130am. We are all exhausted by then. So we get discharged. My son and husband and I go our separate ways from my in laws. We go to bed basically. We sleep my husband goes to work the next morning. from 5am-2pm. That Morning I felt like I was going to have an emotional breakdown. I cried all morning. Now knowing me; I’m not a crier at all. I just don’t cry it’s not in my personality to cry unless someone dies or my kid gets hurt bad. I cried and texted my
Mom to ask her physic friend to tell me what I can do to Put myself in labor today! She text me back saying “run around the block two times” ARE U KIDDING ME HAH. My pregnant ass running in this Florida heat in-front of my weird neighbors. He’ll no! So it took me a little while to persuade myself to do this. Well I was not gonna run infront of my neighbors. So I texted my hubs to see if we can go to the park with our son when he gets home and stroll him around his tricycle around the track. And I can jog. So he gets home, we go. I pack the car just incase. Put a peepee pad on the seat too hah. I jog about 1/4 a mile and ladies it wasn’t so bad at all just felt a lot of pressure and heaviness. when I started To slow down I started to get a contraction but I felt extra crampy and I was just praying that this wasn’t prelabor again. So we go home. I shower. It’s around 3pm now. I’m timing my contractions they are 10min apart but with prelabor it means nothing! NOW before when I was telling u this hospital sent me home, since they were so rude to me and didn’t want to keep me until I was a 6cm I decided to change my hospital and go to the one When the time is right that I went to when I delivered my son. The only reason I switched was bc my dr changed practices and went to that hospital instead. Sooo oh well to my dr. I am happy with changing! Anyways at 3pm I was showered my husband wanted to watch our show “queen of the south” so we start to play it, I decided I’m hungry I’m going to Make a grilled cheese. I make it and go pee. I take a bite and all of a sudden I feel a trickle from my other hole! Ha not my per hole. And I’m like josh I think my water just broke 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he goes REALLY AND JUMPS UP! Too funny. The excitement on his face! So I take another bite of my grilled cheese and wait for another trickle to make sure. WELP YES ANOTHER TRICKLE CAME!!! So excited. I call my MiL and she said okay let me no when u get admitted and then they will come. So we get to the hospital and they monitor me and their monitor isn’t picking up my contractions either!! They were much more crampy this time but nothing I couldn’t handle. Just comes in waves. But I had such a great amazing dr , she said well the monitor isn’t picking up but I believe u! It def looks like u are having contractions from the faces ur making! She checked for my water and the rest of the bag pooped as she checked so she admitted me right away! My in laws are called and on their way! My husband was handling our son. They put me in a maternity suite and I got my epidural right Away! Bc that’s what I wanted. After that my in laws got here. My hubs didn’t even know I was getting the epidural at that
Time bc he was strolling our 18 month old around waiting for my in laws 🤣 it was like 10 minutes to do the epidural. Anyways everyone comes in the room. They won’t let me eat. I was a 4 when I came in. I was so happy! It was about 7pm now and I’m at a 5. They check me 4 hours later and I’m still a 5 so I had s feeling it was going to be a long labor but I didnt mind bc I had the epidural and I wanted to rest. My FIL takes my son home and I Labor there all night. At like 2am I was a 6 and a wiggle and so on! I was starving and could not eat! My Husband wouldn’t even let me sneak food haha. But anyways with the pitocin and they upped the dosage every hour, we eventually got there! The monitor still wasn’t picking up my contractions good enough so they did internally and it finally picked them up on how strong they were! It was 11am I felt so much pressure and I knew it was going to be time soon. I wanted to let her to travel down the birth canal as much as she could before I
Pushed. It helps prevent tearing. My Mil went to get food for my husband and I knew once she left I was gonna push haha. It was just my hubs in the room either way anyways! But anyways I was so uncomfortable with the pressure every 30seconds I knew it was time! My dr was going to check me but she didn’t have to bc she saw my babes head. they said get ready to post. I was so excited. I pressed the epidural button one last time when no one was looking 🤣🤣🤣 just incase bc I didn’t want to feel anything. My hubs laughs at me now for doing it. I push for about 10 mins and omg when I pushed it just took all that pressure away! It felt so damn good to push!!!!!! I cannot explain it enough! Just push ladies u won’t regret it haha 8.11.18 at 12:41pm my baby girl Violet Jayde was born at exactly 39weeks! My dr was so encouraging and wonderful I’m switching to her. She makes me want to have More babies now! 😍😍😍 my husband cut the cord and we are head over heals in love! I labored 18 hours and 10 mins pushing. My son was 19 hours and 45 mins pushing so it wasn’t that much quicker. I am so happy with both my labors and the hospital I chosen to go to! We got to go home 24 hours later. Just all extra cuddles to our son and our newborn baby girl. Just loving the cuddles! She is a good eater and sleeper so far and adjusting is better then what I thought. For now haha because my hubs is home for two weeks. :) our son is adjusting better then we thought too, he was cranky at first but I think because he was cranky and needed his environment to adjust better and now he’s alot better and he looks for her and tries to give her her bottle. It’s heartwarming. anyways here’s our baby girl, Violet! 😍😍
My hubs is Vietnamese and I am Italian. She has some chunky cheeks and looked exactly like my son when he was born!

She is so sweet!
And here is our 18month old little boy Mason ❤️

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.