Stressed out by JOB 😭

I left my nurse assistant job at the nursing home to become a dental assistant. It's actually great pay & good hours. However, I feel like I got hired at the wrong time. There's drama everyday. I'm always getting blamed for something new because I'm the "new girl" I feel like the girls in the back never have the time to actually train me. I feel like they get annoyed by my  constant questions. And never really acknowledge me. I'm always ignored. They don't try to get to know me. I always try talking to everyone and smile but I don't feel comfortable there. And I get chewed out by the Doctor there. He expects me to know it all by now. And I've only  been there for a month. I feel so overwhelmed and pressured I drag going to work every morning, I want to cry! It's a new language for me, I'm doing job on the training. I've already spoke to my previous employer & asked them if I could get my job back. I feel bad for leaving so soon. Should I give them my two weeks? I see no point in doing that, since I hardly know what I'm doing there. How should I let them know I can't work there anymore? I honestly miss my old job even though my shifts sucks and my days vary. Plus I get more money there. HELP PLEASE. 😁