Pregnant but Not good news!


I had my tubal ligation reversal last year. Everything was perfect after the surgery but when i was healing my left tube blocked. But we wasn’t trying until last month and YES i got pregnant and 10 positive home test. I started to have spotting and small clots so the doctor ordered me the blood test to check the levels of hcg and to be sure it wasnt a miscarriage. 1st blood test was 475 and two days later the doble so I didn’t had a miscarriage. Today i had my vaginal sonogram to see everything. Bad news! Is an ectopic pregnancy so today the doctor wants to see me and see what treatments im going to have. The ectopic pregnancy is in my blocked left tube so i don’t understand bc I thought cant happened. Talked with my partner and yes both are sad but also we knew that miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy it was a high risk so we are positive to keep trying and at least we know we can get pregnant.

I will like to hear similar stories so i can understand more, thanks.

Sorry with my broken english😁