So scared and nervous

Alisha • Married 6.7.2014❤️baby #1 born 6.2015❤️👼🏻baby #2 born 4.2018 at 21 weeks👼🏻❤️baby #3 born 3.2019❤️baby #4 due 10.2021❤️

Hey ladies...I needed somewhere to vent and feel most comfortable here. I am 5 weeks and started bleeding earlier tonight. I called the doctor and she wants me to go in for blood work and a sonogram tomorrow. Thankfully I haven’t bled since that one time earlier tonight, about 4 hours ago but it was definitely more than spotting so I’m SO nervous to get bad news tomorrow :( after losing our sweet girl at 21 weeks in April I just don’t want to have to go through it all again. I just want my baby safe in my arms 😔 Please please please pray for my baby to be ok and my body to hang on tight to this sweet baby ❤️❤️❤️