POAS Addicts !!! Please read !!!

If you have read my previous post you already know this...
I've had multiple chemical pregnancies and I now have a five month old. I am out of control with peeing on a stick because I've always had bfp's start to get lighter and lighter and then bleed...a chemical pregnancy. Well...
In my previous post, I again had two tests that were getting lighter...so I jumped on the hopeless bus and figured it was over ! Plus my symptoms started to disappear. 
I swore I was not going to test again...I'll just wait for the inevitable. 
Then...yesterday, I get dizzy, nauseous, and almost pass out. Ok, because there's still some hcg in my system. Of course...what do I do? Poas !!! Why do I do this ?!?! Expecting my line to be really faint or gone altogether...What?!?! My line is the darkest it's ever been !!!
Lesson :  Stop pissing on sticks !!! A line is a line !!! I'm relieved and hopeful and also done testing. I stressed myself out for nothing !!! 
Don't stress...don't test...just enjoy !!