Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Alicia • 💍• Mommy to Wyatt • Cat lady with 4 fur babies • I have a Masters in Health Administration but am a SAHM • Aries • Lover of wine • Crafty

Ladies, what was the best, most useful gift you got at your baby shower? I am a "theme" kind of person so I hate when the registryis picked over, I dont want to get a couple of random items.

Also, for a good friend of mine I made a basket with essentials you never think of. It included baby safe detergent, counter cleaner, stain remover, baby tylenol, gas drops, etc etc. Someone did this for me and it really helped having those things on hand and it's not something you think of.

I have a baby shower tomorrow and she had like 60 items and almost all have been picked. So I wanted to see what you all thought!