I need advise!!!


Hello ladies - question for you all.

1st some background: I am Caucasian and my husband is Hispanic, most of his family speaks English except his mom, dad, step mom and grandmothers.

Whenever his family has get togethers it is soooooooo awkward for me. I walk in and say hello to everyone but that it the extent of conversation. The only time there is talk or fun is after everyone has had a few Corona's. The rest of the time I sit there for hours and no one speaks to me. I try and talk to them but it ends shortly or we have nothing in common.

I go to most events but I do skip a few because of the awkwardness. What can I do to make this better?

I know my husband wants me to go but he doesn't understand how awkward it is for me. He fits in great with my family and he doesn't have the language barrier.

I've told him how I feel but he just says that they love you and want to see you and spending time doesn't mean you have to talk....just being in the same room is spending time (still don't understand that).

Help please!!!!