Caught in another I leave?

Briana • 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🐶⭐️💕baby #4 on the way!

So I know a lot of women on here don’t have the problem with SO of smoking weed but I do. When I started dating my husband he told me he didn’t smoke weed and I found out he was lying, I also found out he was talking to other girls. I had a talk about the kind of life I want and the kind of man I want and he told me he’d stop smoking and not talk to girls anymore. I stressed the fact that he won’t actually quit unless he wants to and he doesn’t need to stay with me if he wants weed enough to keep doing it. Well a few months later a girl reached out to me and sent me texts he’d sent her of him trying to get with her. And I found pipes and thc wax in my home. Which is a huge thing for me because I have previous felony charges and I’m not messing around. Well this has been a battle since we met 2 years ago,promises to be faithful and promises to stop smoking. Well we had a huge fight about 3 months ago where I caught him smoking weed in my home AGAIN and that night he tried to make plans to meet and fuck this girl he use to hook up with. I told him he had 12 weeks to show me he wants this life with me. And tonight I caught him putting a pipe in a pocket as I was getting out of the bathroom. He immediately lied and pretended like he didn’t know what I was talking about. Well now I’m at my last straw. I’m 9 weeks pregnant and really tired of all the lies and fighting for honesty. He wants me to”give one more chance” but how many am I suppose to give. If he wants to smoke weed so bad why can’t he admit it and cut me loose since I made it clear from the beginning I didn’t want it around me or my kids. And him lying about weed again just makes me distrust everything about him, especially wondering if he’s talking to girls again. You ladies have any advice?? This isn’t the life I want for my kids.