Scientific data on sahm vs daycare?


I am trying to make the difficult decision of quitting my career to stay at home with my son when he comes this November. If I had just a normal job it would be a little easier, but I'm in the army and if I get out, there's really no going back.

I'm afraid that I'm going to regret putting my son in daycare from 6am-5pm every day and how it will impact development and, of course, our relationship and bonding.

However, by the time he enters school, I'll have to let him go of course and, if I left the army, I'll have let go an entire career for only 3 or 4 years of benefit. (Hopefully that made a little sense).

I don't have a problem with daycare, it's just that with our job being the way it is, we have really long hours.

I'm not here to shame or upset anybody for their decisions, but I'm wondering if anybody has any fact based research about the difference it can make for a child? And then, of course, if anybody has any insight- particularly leaving a strong career to stay home or continuing to work and how they felt about it in hindsight?

Thank you in advance!