Shaquaya • Currently Expecting A Baby Girl Due: July 25th 💖🎀
So Tuesday I went to my doctors office and my doctor told me I was only 2 centimeters so I kinda got a lil discourage because I was having sex ALOT ( Sorry if TMI ) so wed I said I'm going to get some castor oil to see if that can bring on labor so that night I took 2 full tablespoon of castor oil and a full glass of orange juice and some fresh cut pineapples around 10 pm and took a nap because I got extremely tired so when I when I woke up at around 1 my mother was asking how I'm feeling which was Normal so she said come on let's do 10 squats and 20 jumping jacks so I did ( SOUNDS CRAZY LOL ) so after that I just went to lay down and everybody went to sleep and I called my boyfriend because I couldn't sleep but then contractions started nothing too serious but it was hurting around 3:00am they became consistent like 3-5 mins apart and I couldn't take it so I showered and headed to the hospital around 4:30am for them to tell me I'm only 3cm and to go walk for 2 hours but when I got home the contractions kept comin stronger and stronger so back to the hospital again around 11 am they told me I'm 5cm and to walk around 😑😑😑😑 so I did but my doctor advised I be put in a room so after being put in the room around 4pm I received the epidural around  5 so I could relax and just rest so when i took a nap and woke up like 9:30 because contractions was starting on one side of my body so they called my doctor in to check me and when she did I was a full 10 cm and she said ok next contraction push and not too long after that baby girl was here at 10:21 pm 7lbs 3oz 20 inches long 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀