7 days late after chemical pregnancy.


I have a chemical pregnancy back in June and was absolutely devastated afterwards, because I have wanted another baby for so long and was ecstatic that it had finally happened. So I waited and had a cycle like my doctor advised me to do, and once that was over my husband and i went back to not stopping a pregnancy from happening, but I also wasn’t paying attention to my calendar and making sure to do it at all the right times. Fast forward 3 weeks later and I’m now a week late and my boobs are killing me. I have no other symptoms though which is part of what scares me. With my first child I was nauseous all the time and had excruciating headaches for weeks, and last time I started throwing up almost immediately and felt ridiculously bloated. Since the only thing I have now is sore boobs I’m terrified to take a test. I don’t want to get my hopes up again just to have them crushed all over again. Any of you ladies have any words of wisdom for me?