Alright so before I get into anything I need to state that I have not been with my current partner for long and the relationship is going to shit already because he is lazy and doesn't help me with organising anything for our baby we are about to have.

My ex and I broke up at the beginning of the year and instantly I knew I did wrong. I don't think I thought about my desicion when I broke up with him he was genuinely heartbroken (we'd been together a year but had been technically together for 4 as we used to sleep together and sort of dated) he begged me to take him back and I refused. I WISH I DIDN'T. Now I'm with someone else and so is he but the man I'm with has been a nightmare (I won't really get into it) he's lied about so much like his name and where he's from and now I'm pregnant and I'm misreable with him. He is nasty and cruel and like a child. He keeps demanding things from me like we have to live together and all sorts.

My ex on the other hand was a stoner which annoyed me but he is still a lovely lovely man. He was amazing with children my current doesn't seem like he will at all. I don't know what to do. I want to message him because my partner talks to him about tattoos and stuff so I'm pretty desperate to contact him and just try my luck... Am I a bad person? I'm so so in love with him I wish I'd never left him it's genuinely killing me. Advice?