Needing to vent and looking for positive advice

Chelsea • 34 years old, married for 8 years to the best man, have 2 and 5 year old little boys, and have our third, a girl, arriving September 1st! 🎀👶🏼👦🏼👩🏻👨🏻💙
For the last three months, my husband and I have been living with my mom. I recently got a job not far from where she lives, and right now we are working really hard to build up our savings account so that we can buy our first home. However, I've been very sad and stressed out because it seems like I just can't do anything right by her anymore. Neither my husband or I can relax at her house. There is always work to be done. And lately, she's been very controlling and rude towards both of us. I've confronted her about it and she always comes back with some really rude comment and then hightails it to her room for hours and won't talk to me. Today, my husband and I got home from spending a long weekend with his family (which we hardy do) and the moment I walk through the door, she's yelling at me for the bag of lunch I have in my hand and then running to her room. I'll admit that I didn't use a very nice tone when speaking, but I didn't even get a "Hello, it's nice to have you home," before she started in on me. And in front of my husband, too. I'm very thankful that she is allowing us to stay for relatively cheap while we work to save money. I'm just unsure of what to do to keep the peace. We are both doing chores around the house and running errands for her on a daily basis. I'm very stressed and am in need of some positive advice. Thank you!