To IUI or not to IUI

Kait • 💍 9.30.17. —> 1 👼🏻 —> 🙏🏻🌈 —->IVF round one December 2018

Hi ladies! This will my our last cycle before having to go to <a href="">IUI</a>. Just wondering your experiences and recommendation? We’ve tried clomid and times intercourse but unsuccessful.. we’ve been trying for a little over 15 cycles.. during that time I had one pregnancy that resulted in an early miscarriage early this year in January.. All my tests have came back fine, blood work showed boarder line PCOS, so I am on metformin once a day. Hubby has super sperm, not kidding he had like 167 million with a 52% mobility.. I’ve heard <a href="">IUI</a> is used for male infertility, which is not the case with us.. <a href="">IUI</a> will be $1,800 per round so we want to make sure this is the next thing for us..

Suggestions? Ideas? Successful <a href="">IUI</a> stories? What was the reason you had went down the <a href="">IUI</a> road?