Has anyone family member ask about unborn baby skin complexion?

Today I went to the in-laws for a bbq. It’s my in-laws first grandchild. Today my brother in law said/asked, “at work the other day this black-Asian kid came into the store and I was wondering how black your baby will be?” I was kinda annoyed by that but his brother does have a disability so I kinda let it go.

Then a minute later my MIL asked, “do you get a test to check for the color?” I said “color of their skin?” She said “yeah”. Now that really annoyed me. It was a silly question. Like why are they fixated on baby skin complexion!

I’m black, my husband is white. We don’t care what complexion our kid is. Doesn’t even matter!

Even at work people say “omg your kid is going to be a cutesy because your husband is white, right?”

I can’t believe in 2018 people are fixated on this type of shit.