Help? My cervix hurts, does anyone have any insight?


Hi all!

Today I had crippling pains in my right ovarian area, cervix, and *TMI ALERT* my butt!? After about 30 minutes in gradually went away. I still had a mild achy feeling in my cervix though. I checked my CP about 2 hrs later, and it was tender to the touch. Its been about 12 hours and I'm still achy and tender.

Background info:

-Had m/c in April

-7 to 11 dpo

-Didn't have O pains this month like usual

-Cervix usually ONLY tender during O

-Cervix jumped from firm, partially open, and low to very soft, high, and closed within an hour this afternoon

-Noticed a marble sized lump on cervix, to the right of the cervical opening during the last 2.5 months(Only have been checking cp since the m/c. So I don't know if it was there before, but it was never mentioned to me)

-Cervix MOVED around O this month (opening was pointed down and to the right, then moved downward, toward my belly button)

Idk, if any of that is relevant.....Just being thorough lol

If anyone knows what's going on please help. I'm a bit worried, and don't have insurance yet.