My pregnancy

Isela • Mom to a 2.5 yo girl. Baby #2 due August 2022.

Has been extremely hard. I am ANA positive and have leukocytosis. Doctors told me 3 years ago if I ever wanted to get pregnant it’ll be hard and I’ll most likely end up bed ridden and that’s if I could even conceive and carry. My now husband and I listened and considered never trying to have kids due to what doctors explained to us. However after we got married we decided together we really wanted to take a risk and try. After 9 months we were able to conceive and my baby is healthy thankfully. However I have been getting a lot of backlash on how pregnancy is not that hard. Since I found out I was pregnant I have been vomiting multiple times a day to the point I have been expecting to go to the ER for fluids. I have been extremely weak and tired. I had to cut my hours at work drastically since I couldn’t handle the hours of work. As of 2 weeks ago I can’t even go shopping or stand for more than 30 minutes without feeling like I’m going to faint. To now I had to put in my two weeks notice at work since my pregnancy naturally became a bed ridden one as I sleep so much or am in too much aches and pain to do much. But yet people keep commenting about how their pregnancies were easy and how they were able to work the whole pregnancy. One day I literally cried to my husband how I felt I was failing at being a strong mother and woman but I know in my heart that if I keep trying to work I could harm or lose my baby. I just wish woman would support other woman as everyone is different. I also wish people in general would realize that pregnancy isn’t always as simple as it seems. My mother and brother almost died while my mom was delivering him. And well my husband’s aunt actually passed away during child birth. I’m sorry for this long rant most people don’t understand and this group has been so supportive. Although my pregnancy has been difficult I am truly so blessed and happy that I am pregnant and have a healthy baby.