Birth Story


My birth story wasn't too eventful, so I'll keep it short & sweet. I was due August 5th and never really had any Braxton Hicks. My plan was to be done with work the Friday before my due date, but I was so uncomfortable that I left a week early. I pretty much sat around at home and cleaned to keep busy. At my 39 & 40 week appointments, I had my membranes stripped and was 2cm both times. They made me an appointment for 41 weeks if needed to talk about induction. At 41+1, I was still 2cm, but they checked my fluids again this time. I was at 4.5 and the cut off for being induced same day was 5! My husband and I went to the mall and to lunch to kill time before being induced.

At 2pm on Monday, I started my first round of Cytotec. Second round at 7pm, and last round at 1am. At 3am, I woke up to the worst back labor, to the point where I couldn't stand up straight. I did one dose of Nubain and within seconds got relief. I woke up at 7am to start Pitocin and an epidural. By 7pm, I was ready to start pushing. At 8:49pm, our baby girl was born and I felt a huge wave of relief as she came out. Her blood sugar was low at birth, but other than that, no issues!

Adalyn Grace



6lbs, 11oz

20.25 inches