Last night I dreamt I took a HPT and got a BFP

Danielle • Dog Mom x3 🐕 . Married 💍 3.10.18. One angel baby (MMC @ 8w) 👼🏻. One IVF rainbow baby 🌈👶🏻.

I certainly don’t want to keep getting my hopes up, but in my dream, I took two tests and both were instant positives. I’m about halfway through the TWW and going a bit crazy. Yesterday and today I have also had very mild cramping and shooting pains in the pelvic region but not central to one spot...kind of all over. But I had something similar two months ago and obviously wasn’t anything. But I didn’t dream of a BFP then, either. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 it’s a sign and this is my month. Baby dust to all. How is your TWW going???