Side effects of Makena injection



Has anyone stopped the Makena Injection because of the side effects?

I am Gestational Diabetic and my sugars have been really high( with a controlled diet and on medication) Makena- It has shown to cause glucose intolerance.

I have very high levels of protein in my urine, but my Blood pressure is fine ( Makena is a known cause of causing high protein in urine)

I now have Polyhydramnios ( which I don’t believe is a side effect) but it is a side effect of the high sugars that I can’t seem to get under control.

With the first 2 mentioned problems, I think stopping the injection would be beneficial.

I had my son 14 years ago at 35 weeks and had no issues.

My doctor doesn’t want me to stop the injection but I feel like if I’m going to continue I will end up going into labor early anyways because of all stated above problems.

Just want to know if anyone else stopped the injection and what was the outcome?
