Excited and Relieved

Elizabeth • Student and former nanny and daycare attendant. Just making my way through the world learning and teaching
So for those of you who have followed me or read my posts you know that I have Factor V Leiden which is a genetic clotting issue that makes me hypercoaguable. I've had numerous docs recently tell me to just tie my tubes and forget about babies, I'm 24 that didn't work with me. I asked for a federal to see a Fertility Specialist on post (army spouse) and got my appointment after months of inner turmoil. My appointment was today and GOOD NEWS!!! I will be able to have babies! The doc saw no reason to tie my tubes and end my dream and said there are plenty of treatments for me that will help but that I'm always going to be high risk due to my disorder. My weight of course makes me high risk but I've got great blood pressure and no signs of diabetes so I should be ok!
They want me to talk with my hematologist and they will be the final word on babies, but I am very confident they will say the same thing as my Feritility Specialist! 
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and honestly my husband and I have had a few oops moments lately that could make the whole issue null and void so we shall see if AF shows in the 8th!!! I send massive amounts of Baby Dust and luck to all and ask for some in return as well as prayers for me! This is big guys! My dream of being a momma isn't dead in the water!