So my husband left at 12 for work. His job thankfully is one in which he chooses his hours. I tried calling him at 2:30, nada.

5ish comes around, I call him and I hear his younger siblings in the background. He tells me he’s at his baba’s (dad) house and is helping him with something and has to go.

Note- he was supposed to bring groceries home and around 6ish he texted me asking if we could go grocery shopping tomorrow because he’s in a bad mood and got a ticket while driving. For what? Not sure he didn’t tell me when I asked. Then, he asks if he should go get sushi tonight once last time since we are getting ready to become vegan. I said sure get it out of your system while you can!

Then I asked him what time he’ll be home. He said 10ish. I said just keep me updated and he said okay.

8:30 ish I text to see if he’s okay, nothing.

(He’s always responsive unless he’s working)

9:50- I call. I asked where he was and he said with his uncle (guys this is literally so damn random) I said okay when are you coming home? He said “soon I’m not sure I’ll let you know”

So then I sent the angry text.

He didn’t respond and an hour later I called to ask if he saw my text and he said he’s playing pool with his uncle


All day he has been so unresponsive. We have been married for 3 months and I currently don’t work so I’m usually at home, running errands, or working out. Communication is huge in a marriage and he knows how important it is for me.

What should I do? I’m super pissed and he doesn’t really seem to care.

But dude, it is 11:30pm, I haven’t seen you all day, barely heard from you, you got a ticket that I know nothing about, and you’re supposedly playing pool now with your uncle? Coming home whenever you want? The hell?

We are Muslim and don’t drink, smoke, etc. I don’t know where the heck he’s playing pool at 11:30 pm. Ugh

Any advice?

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