Is there a term for people who excessively talk over someone or interrupt them?

So my mom I swear has this tick where she talks over people constantly or interrupts people. She’s always had it as far as I can remember, it’s just has gotten worse. It’s really a rude behavior, but I don’t know if she does it intentionally. I’ve seen her do it to everyone at some point and it’s starting to become near impossible to have a conversation with her because it’s so one sided. Sometimes I’ll try to talk to her about something and she will literally not say anything in response and then continue to talk about something else while I’m still in the midst of another conversation. I know she can hear fine. The behavior seems to come from a very selfish and self centered place that has escalated. Does anyone know if there a a specific term for this kind of behavior so that I can maybe suggest to her ways to stop doing it?