Discouraged but hopeful!

DH & I have been trying for about 7 months now. I read the post about some of you all trying for 12+ months and finally something happening. I’m in the middle of a tww and ofcourse my impatient a** took a test today because of all the fortunate ones who got a BFP on 8 dpo🙄. I’m currently 9 dpo and wanted to give it a shot. Only to have my feelings hurt yet....😞 again... ladies how do you all stay so hopeful? I’m a very joyous person and those around me always say I have this infectious spirit. However, I’m feeling like there’s a cloud hanging over my head steady raining right now. I’m going to tough it out and just remain positive however until AF arrives *fingers cross she doesn’t*. This post really holds no substance, I just wanted something or someone to vent to! Baby dust to you all who are trying and those who are pregnant now I wish you a beautiful, wonderful nine months. Peace & blessings ❤️
