Water leaking?

Maryjayne • 27. Wife & mom of boys. 💕
I'm 36 weeks today. I lost my mucus plug & have started dilating. I'm about 80% effaced. I had a doctors appointment today & the doctor said I'm dilated slightly more than I was when I went to L&D almost a week ago. 
After the appointment, my husband & I had a little bit of running around to do. We stopped to get food at my favorite restaurant & while sitting there waiting for our order, I felt little drips coming out but figured it's just the gel from the doctor checking my cervix (which is all it usually is. Once I wipe it's gooey gel then that's usually all). But this time when I wiped, it wasn't just gel on the toilet paper like it usually is when I looked, it looked like when you put a couple drops of water on a paper & see it like soak in & absorb. Which isn't how it usually looks. So I wiped again & same thing just a little less, so I kept wiping til there was nothing. That was about 3 hours ago & im still getting those little random drips of wetness. So I'm curious, for those of you who's water just leaked out at first, how much was it at a time? Because this isn't enough to like run down my leg at all, just enough to feel my underwear get a little wet then dry then wet again a few minutes later. & it's not discharge!!!