Is it weird/selfish?

Is it weird/selfish to not have anyone in the delivery room besides me and my fiance? My mom had everyone in the room for the birth of my brother/sister (11&14 years apart from me) and literally had me rotating family members in and out during her pushing and it made me NOT want anything similar. and my aunt wanted my gma in the room with her fiance and my mom (shes very intrusive) snuck in... (our whole family has bad standing with my parents) so i made it very clear i didnt want anyone in the waiting room or in the delivery room because i cant trust it and i dont want to have the chaos everyone else had. so i made the comment we werent even going to announce shes coming until the next day when we are settled and have had time to bond and rest, after my mom made a comment i "WILL NOT " keep her out of that room. and everyone acts like and says its weird and "i must think im the president" or things like that... i guess it just doesnt make sense to me because its our baby and delivery and if we want peaceful bonding and time to rest, shouldnt we be allowed that? Is that weird/selfish to want?