Tender Breast After Ovulation

Malika • Po

I find it weird how my breast starts Hurting either from the week of my ovulation till I get my period, or the end of the week till my period comes after I had a Miscarriage in early March 🙄 like because of the miscarriage, my breasts be hurting on the time of ovulation. This never happened to me till After the miscarriage. And also the marriage changed my period pains, days and the flow. I’m regular, so my period used to last for 4-5 days, the flow was heavy and the cramps hurts so bad. But now after the miscarriage, my period Be Making me feel like im spotting When Really it’s my period. It lasts for 3 days, the cramps are mild, the flow is like small + medium. Ain’t that weird? All this started happening two months after the miscarriage.

It just seems weird to me