So depressed

Stacey • My 🌈 baby Evelyn Arya born 4/5/20

It’s been 36 hours since I was given the news that there is no baby in the GS and that means I will miscarry. My moods are up and down and I’m in denial that it’s a sure thing. I can’t stop reading stories on and it’s giving me all this hope!! I’m 7 weeks 1 day but the doctor did say I was measuring a little behind last week. I just can’t get over the fact that the ultrasound tech said I have a tilted uterus and it makes it more difficult to see, and my doctor totally dismissed the theory that maybe she just couldn’t see the baby?? Now I have to wait until September 12th for another ultrasound and if I don’t miscarry by then they’ll have me get a d&e. In 7 days my hcg went up 4,660 to over 14,000. My bbs are sore and I still have tons of white cm. It just feels like I’m still pregnant and it shouldn’t be ending 😭